DeAngelis, Ltd.
When Guido De Angelis created his legendary shop over 60 years ago he developed the workroom where decorators brought their sketches and ideas for him to execute while offering the highest level of personal service. Keeping his legacy alive, De Angelis, Ltd. continues to handcraft the finest upholstery and draperies today using the same techniques and handwork just as when we started. Once a piece or window treatment is commissioned by the designer we work out the details so we take their vision and execute at the highest level. From the first day our door opened to today we continue to be honored with invitations into the most beautiful homes around the world to do our craft.
Custom Upholstery Fine Drapery
Contact name: Shane Riccardi
Phone number: (516) 723-3101
Address: 262 Glen Head Rd, Glen Head, NY 11545
Instagram: @da_deangelis